
Tim Berry joined John today to give an awesome webinar about business planning and management. Tim Berry is founder and Chairman of Palo Alto Software, founder of bplans.com, and a co-founder of Borland International. He is author of books and software including conceptual co-author of LivePlan and author of Business Plan Pro, published by Palo Alto Software; and Lean Business Planning, his latest book, published in 2015 by Motivational Press. He has a Stanford MBA degree and degrees with honors from the University of Oregon and the University of Notre Dame. He taught “Starting a Business” at the University of Oregon for 11 years.
His website is at timberry.com and his main blog is Planning Startups Stories; he also posts on several other blogs including Amex OPEN Forum, and Industry Word at sba.gov. He is an active investor member of the Willamette Angel Conference. Lately he’s also involved in startups including havepresence.com, civilcomments.com, and others.
Check Out Tim's Latest Book
Tim puts a new twist on traditional business planning. "It’s not a big formal document. It’s streamlined, in bullet points, lists, tables, just what you need to run your business".
- Accountability. The future is now. Virtual world. Performance and productivity by metrics, whether it’s hours, codes, calls, or presentations. Set expectations with specific goals, then track numbers. Management by transparency. The lean planning process keeps the metrics on top.
- Managing change. Forget that big daunting document; keep a lean plan to help you track changing assumptions, so you can review and revise regularly.
- Strategic alignment. A simple process to keep you focusing on the details without losing track of the horizon. Make sure you have tactics to execute strategy; and specific, concrete milestones, metrics, dates, and deadlines to make the tactics real. Plus what you need to plan the money.
Tim's webinar was power packed. His tips and training is very important to document for your own personal use. As Tim covers in the webinar, record all your data. You want to be able to go back and refer to your information. Tracking your information and data will give you so many benefits. This will help you with building your strategy, what is working for your business and what is not. The informal data can help you change your plan, when to execute, and target your audience.
Better decisions is the goal from better management. Tim's goals is to help those who say "they can't do this"! Yes you can!
Tim can help you step by step to manage and build your business by documenting your data and build the information into your plan. You do not have to have a college degree, you just need to understand your business.
Learn to set your sales projections, conversions, expenses. He can help you with the when and how.
It's all about the tracking.
I love what Tim says "A business plan is never finished, it is always changing"!
For those of you who are just starting out or you have always wanted to start your own small business, all your dreams and goals are attainable!

Change your life by using actionable steps!
Another positive and motivational webinar from Prosellertalk. Come back, there will be more!
Have A Great Day!
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